concert was great! Thanks for being there. A very Big Thank you, that is!
what has mr.Tilley being cooking lately? Truth is, lots of exciting things!
For example, he has a new concert coming up at St.Paul's church on the
of December '03. The organ of the church becomes 100 y.o. and Roger decided
to let aside his electronic experimentations in music for the present
and "recall"
his more traditional approach. Even so, the programme will have a bit
of hi tech spice!
At Roger's request, Ion's electro-acoustic composition "Hybrid Human"
will play,
so prepare yourself for 6 and a half minutes of mind travelling.
Only drawback? The lights will remain on..
The programme consists of the following
pieces. As you can see, a lot has
been done so that different composers will be covered, making the concert
a joyfull experience for a wider audience!
"Dinner" will be served at ST. PAUL'S church in Athens
27 Filelinon St. SYNTAGMA , on FRIDAY the 19th Dec'03
at 20:00 .