3 0ctober 2001
"Twinkle,twinkle little bat
How i wonder what you're at.
Up above the world you fly,

Like a tea tray in the sky.."

(R.T.comment: the familiar may become bizzare)

5 November 2001
"What is in me nobody sees..
I have thoughts of great beauty

Please,let me talk"

Marilyn Monroe

- "we should not judge people by their appeareance.
Get a hair-cut" R.T.

6 December 2001

Lost and found! He was given the name "Paris"
just for a week. He was lost on the mountain, no food,
no shelter, dirty and smelly!
He lived with Thelma & Louise until a home could be found.
Now he lives with the Sabalis family..and he has a new
haircut and a new name, "Arthur".
a happy ending to a sad story..





here you'll find all the past files from TheVAULT, whether they are text, pictures or sketches...
if you managed to find TheVAULT page in the first place, you'd have no trouble discovering this one... addios!!